Vehicle Accidents
vehicle accidents are crashes or incidents which involve automobiles,
motorcycles, tucks, buses, and other types of non self-propelled vehicles.
Pedestrian accidents can also sometimes be considered in this category.
Despite the safety advances made each year by auto manufacturers, many
thousands of people are injured and receive a personal injury as a result
of motor vehicle accidents each year through no fault of their own.
As for any type of accident, the law in Tampa, and across Florida, requires
certain procedures to be followed. Additionally, you or your personal
injury lawyer should report the crash or incident to your insurance
company as soon as possible.
The most common cause of personal injuries is the accident between
two or more automobiles. With millions of cars traversing the Tampa
Bay area roads each day, heavy traffic, and therefore accidents with
resulting injury are unfortunately all too common-place. Florida law
requires certain procedures to be followed following an accident. Unless
prevented by severe injury or vehicle damage, vehicles should be moved
from the roadway if possible. All parties to the accident must stop
and exchange information. The police and the insurance companies should
be notified. In many instances, medical evaluation is prudent in order
to determine if there are any treatable injuries. Many times neck and
back injuries do not produce symptoms for hours or days after the accident.
If you feel that the other party was at fault for the accident, it is
recommended that you discuss the matter with an attorney.
Motorcycle riders have rights too! The rules for auto accidents also
applies to motorcycle accidents. Where with automobiles a minor "fender-bender"
may cause only slight personal injury, that same impact with a motorcycle
may cause serious bodily injury or even death. Additionally, many automobile
drivers do not pay close enough attention to motorcycles, and do not
allow the proper clearance distances for motorcycles, thereby increasing
the likelihood of an accident.
The rules for auto accidents also apply to trucking accidents. Where
with automobiles a minor "fender-bender" may cause only
slight personal injury, that same impact with a heavy truck may cause
serious bodily injury or even death. Sometimes those operating trucks
are not properly trained which can lead to accidents. Also, trucks can
sometimes lose their cargo and cause accidents if not properly loaded
and secured.
Attorney Perez of Tampa is experienced in handling all
types of vehicle accidents including car wrecks, motorcycle crashes
and trucking accidents.